Discover the Benefits of Root Canal in Nanaimo at Diver Lake Dental Clinic

When the nerve inside a tooth gets infected, a successful root canal treatment can save the tooth and address the infection before it leads to complications.

Contrary to its reputation, a root canal can be as comfortable as a routine cavity filling, even though it's a more intricate procedure.

Let's delve into the details of this essential dental procedure that can save your tooth and alleviate your discomfort.

Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

A root canal procedure involves the removal of infected or dead pulp, which comprises the inner nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth, followed by filling and sealing the nerve space.

The pulp inside a tooth can become infected, typically due to a deep cavity or injury. An infected tooth often leads to discomfort, such as a severe toothache, throbbing pain, heightened sensitivity to hot temperatures, or gum swelling.

When a tooth reaches this point, the only way to save it is through the root canal, also known as endodontic treatment.

The Root Canal Process

Preparation: The dentist begins by applying local anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. They then isolate the treatment area using a rubber dam, which helps maintain cleanliness and prevents saliva from interfering with the process.

Accessing the Pulp: Once the area is prepared, the dentist drills an opening in the tooth to access the infected pulp. This step is crucial for removing the source of the infection.

Cleaning and Removal: With specialized tools, the dentist carefully removes the infected or dead pulp and cleans the area thoroughly. This step is vital to eliminate all traces of infection.

Filling the Root Space: After removing the infected pulp, the dentist fills the now-empty root space with a special filling material. This material helps to seal the area and prevent further infection.

Sealing the Tooth: To complete the procedure, the dentist seals the surface of the tooth with a filling and crown. This step is essential to restore the function and appearance of the teeth and to prevent any future infection.

Advantages of Root Canal in Nanaimo

Root canal treatment offers several advantages:

Abscess Healing: It can heal an abscessed tooth, preventing the spread of infection and alleviating pain.

Cracked Tooth Relief: Root canals can relieve pain caused by bit pressure on a cracked tooth, helping you regain comfortable oral function.

Sensitivity Resolution: For those experiencing chronic sensitivity to hot or cold foods, root canal treatment can provide much-needed relief, allowing you to enjoy your favourite meals without discomfort.

Root Canal in Nanaimo

If you're in Nanaimo and experiencing the discomfort of an infected tooth, don't hesitate to seek root canal treatment. This procedure can save your teeth and restore your oral health.

Remember, a root canal is a relatively comfortable dental procedure, especially when compared to the pain and complications that can result from leaving an infected tooth untreated.

Don't let dental issues linger. Consult with our skilled dentist in Nanaimo to address your concerns and explore the benefits of root canal treatment.

Reach Out About Root Canal in Nanaimo

  • A safe & effective way to save teeth
  • Can often be done in one visit
  • Minimal discomfort is involved
  • This procedure has a high success rate
  • Preserve tooth structure for the future

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